- Birchington
01843 842356 - Broadstairs
01843 868861 - Canterbury
01227 207000 - Margate
01843 234000 - Ramsgate
01843 595990
Litigation and disputes
Dealing with a dispute, whether its small or large, can be a particularly stressful experience, especially if you are unsure about the costs and procedures involved.
Our highly experienced and approachable lawyers can help whether you want to make a claim or protect yourself from one. We will listen carefully to your concerns and explain your options to you in straightforward English.
We have particular experience of dealing with personal disputes such as:
- Landlord and tenant
- Probate and will disputes
- Residential property disputes
- Contract disputes
- Bankruptcy and insolvency
- Disputes arising from construction projects
- Negligent professional advice.
Contact us using the form on this page or call us on 01843 234000 for an initial discussion. We are flexible and accommodating, so if you have any special requirements for meeting your solicitor please mention them to us.
Litigation fees
Our solicitors are always happy to discuss costs and will give you as much information as possible about how much your work will cost or how the cost will be calculated.
Where the circumstances are suitable, we can offer fixed fees, deferred payments, or a conditional fee agreement backed by insurance. A conditional fee agreement is also known as “no win no fee”.
We often agree a fixed fee with clients. When a fixed fee has not been agreed we will keep you up-to-date with the costs you are incurring as your matter progresses. We normally charge on an hourly basis and will be able to give you an indication of how many hours are likely to be needed at the start of your case.
If you have a limited budget please discuss the amount that you are able to pay with your lawyer. If you are likely to go over your budget, we will warn you so that you can make a well-informed decision about what to do next.
All information about the cost of our services will be given to you in writing.
Should I seek compensation through a small claims court?
A small claim is one where the amount claimed is no more than £10,000 (the amount in personal injury claims is different). The most common types of claims are:
- Compensation for faulty services, e.g. by builders or garages
- Compensation for faulty goods, and
- Disputes between landlords and tenants, e.g. rent arrears or compensation for not doing repairs.
Before spending money on making a court claim you should consider whether:
- You can settle out of court
- You are likely to get your money if you win
- You should seek expert help, and
- How much taking action will cost.
See our guide to making a claim through the small claims court for further information.