- Birchington
01843 842356 - Broadstairs
01843 868861 - Canterbury
01227 207000 - Margate
01843 234000 - Ramsgate
01843 595990
Disputes with customers and suppliers
Disputes with customers and suppliers occur even where there are well-drafted agreements in place. When they are handled well relationships can be repaired and money saved but handled badly, such problems can be costly.
We can help you explore your options for negotiation and resolution outside of court, including arbitration, mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution. If court action is necessary, we will draw upon our experience to help maximise your prospects of success.
Our team has extensive experience in handling all manner of contractual disputes between commercial organisations and private individuals.
We know that contractual disputes can result in financial problems and a loss of goodwill to your business. With this in mind we will always seek to resolve matters as quickly and efficiently as possible on behalf of you or your business.
To talk to someone or arrange an appointment call us on 01843 234000.