- Birchington
01843 842356 - Broadstairs
01843 868861 - Canterbury
01227 207000 - Margate
01843 234000 - Ramsgate
01843 595990
Handbooks, policies and procedures
Perhaps you do not have a staff handbook or you may have identified a need to introduce new policies to clarify your expectations to your staff. Company handbooks are an essential component of any modern business and we will work with you to clearly express your policies and expectations.
A well drafted handbook provides clear guidance to employees. It shows them what is expected and enables the employer to ensure that every member of the team abides by their employment rules and, when things go wrong, there are policies to deal with grievances and other potential problems.
We can offer you a comprehensive review of your current handbook to ensure it is fully up-to-date and fit for purpose. If any redrafting is necessary or you require new policies and procedures, our experts will provide fresh documentation for a fixed fee
For a free, no obligation chat call us on 01843 234000. We always like to meet with clients before drafting their policies and procedures and our fees vary depending on the complexity of the work.
Below we have listed alphabetically some policies and procedures you may be interested in that we regularly provide for our business clients.
- Appraisal procedure
- Capability procedure and policy
- Data protection
- Drugs and alcohol
- Electronic communications
- Equal opportunities
- Fire instructions
- Flexible working
- Grievance
- Grievance and disciplinary procedure and policy
- Harassment
- Health and safety
- Holiday entitlement
- Induction
- Maternity, paternity, adoption and parental leave
- Right to search
- Rights for workers with families
- Sickness and absence
- Smoking policy
- Social behaviour
- Social media
- Study and training policy
- Telephone and mobile use
- Trades union
- Use and return of equipment
- Whistleblowing